Like anything good in the world good health is also earned. Good health can be earned by maintaining a right balance between exercise, Positive mental attitude, sufficient sleep and rest and have right balanced diet with proper fluid intake.

Exercise – Half an hour to 1 hour of exercise should be included at least five days on a week.. This could be in the form of Gym, yoga, jogging, brisk walk, dancing, and aerobics and so on. Exercise also de-stresses your body and boosts your mood. It reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases like Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiac problems etc. You should also avoid being sedentary and keep yourself physically active at regular intervals throughout the day.

Attitude – Emotional well-being and positive attitude is key to good health. Keep yourself away from anger, tension, negative thoughts, envy, greed etc. Positive thinking helps in stress management and improves the health.  Research says positive thinking increases the life span while reducing depression and stress.

Periodical health checks – Body is like a machine which needs regular servicing. With routine checkups we need to ensure if all our body vitals are in limit or not deficit. It is important to regularly check your BP, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, eye sight, BMI and so on. This helps in finding problems before they actually start so that you can take necessary measure to avoid it.

Count your sleep – You should have 6-8 hours of sound sleep every day. During sleep body repairs itself, cleanse and rejuvenates. Deficiency in sleep leads to increased heart diseases, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.

Balanced Diet – You should have balanced diet by including vital nutrients – Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, vitamins and minerals. Organ and Tissues of your body needs proper nutrition to work effectively. Your food should be comprised of all vital nutrients. By having balanced diet you are ensuring that you are consuming correct amount of calories as per your body type. This way your immune system will boost.

For more information on how to incorporate this type of diet suiting to your body needs into your lifestyle, consult a professional dietitian. Dietitians can tailor your diet as per your unique like and dislikes so that you follow the balance diet in a sustained fashion.

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