Finger Millets locally called as Ragi and Nachni in India. India is major cultivator of this cereal crop and is mostly grown and consumed in Karnataka, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Uttarakhand and Goa.Ragi Imaage

Ragi is prepared in various forms like flatbreads, dosa, bhakri, roti, porridge with milk or Kanji, pitha, beverage etc.

Why is Finger Millet ( Ragi) a super food?

Finger millet (Ragi) is a wonder food as it has numerous health benefits –

This is high in protein and mineral as compared to other cereals and millets – makes it perfect source of protein for vegetarians. It has a high amount of calcium and potassium which makes it a nutritious food for children. Also it has essential amino acids like – Isoleucine, Leucin, Methionine and Phenyl Alanine and is a good source of Vitamin B especially Niacin, B6 and Folic acid, helps in repairing tissues, metabolism and muscle coordination. It is also good for blood formation, muscles repair, bone and skin health.
Ragi contains good amount of Iron making it beneficial for individuals with low hemoglobin level. Being gluten free, it is given as a first food to babies in the form of porridge and is also a best source of nutrients for individual who are Gluten intolerant. This millet has antioxidants helps in controlling Cancer.

Consumption of Ragi based diet is helpful for people with diabetes and obesity because of the higher fiber content as compared to rice and wheat.

Nutritional Benefits of Ragi –

Protein 7.6g
Fat 1.5g
Carbohydrate 88g
Calcium 370mg
Vitamins – A: 0.48mg
Thiamine (B1): 0.33mg
Riboflavin (B2): 0.11mg
Niacin: (B3) 1.2mg
Fiber 3g

Recipe for Ragi Ladoo


Ragi (Finger Millet) flour : 1 cup
Ghee : 1 and half tbsp
Jaggery: 150 gms
Grated Fresh Coconut : ¼ cup
Black Sesame : 2 tbsp
Groundnuts : 2 tbsp
Almonds : 8-10
Cardamom powder : ¼ tsp
Raisins – 2 tbsp


Heat 1 tbsp. Ghee and fry the flour till you get a nice aroma of ragi. Set this aside to cooling
Grate or powder jaggery
Add a tsp of ghee to the pan and toast the almonds, peanut, black sesame and grated fresh coconut for a minute or two and keep them aside.
Powder together almond, peanut, cardamom, coconut and sesame seeds
In a large bowl mix the blended powder, jaggery, flour and sesame seeds that were set aside. Or you can just add the flour and jaggery to the blender if it fits.
Blend for about 1 to 2 minutes for the oil to ooze out from the mix. Make balls while the mix is still warm. If needed add melted warm ghee and make balls.

Did you try out my recipes? Let me know in the comments. Watch this space for more interesting posts…