Fasting is an ancient practice. In fact, in various culture around the world, fasting is practised either as part of their spiritual practices or way of maintaining good health.
Fasting practice is more predominant in India, China, Japan and Middle east countries.

How beneficial is it to fast?


The myth about fasting is that it leads to weight loss. But contrary to that, regular fasting helps your body to repair itself. So one should have a balanced diet during the fast. Especially, if you are breaking the fast during evenings, you should be careful about the food eaten as it might lead to weight gain.

The Bhagavad-Gita urges us to eat appropriately – neither too less nor too much – yukta-aahaara and to eat simple, pure and healthy food (a saatvik diet) even when not fasting.

So here are some of the healthy tips for fasting day –
Have protein rich foods
• Say no to Sago/Sabudana
• Have plenty of liquids like water, coconut water and lime water
• Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrate
• Avoid Fried food
• Have small meals at least 4 times if possible

So what are the best foods during a fast?
Milk and milk products
• Fresh Fruits
• Nuts, Almonds and Walnuts
• Fresh Dates
• Rajgeera
• Coconut Water
• Lime Water
• Makhana (Eurayle Ferox)

Have a healthy fasting day and stay tuned as I will be coming up with interesting tidbits in my next post.